External agents and activites are the leading causes of Pipelines damages causing huge economical and environmental losses.

The current solution (aerial patrolling) entails low accuracy, limited coverage & high emission.

Effective monitoring and prediction of Oil and Gas pipelines/assets incidents is the solution to could avoid a potential cost of billions yearly and ecosystems to be restored.
External potential harmful activities ranges from:

Construction site work progress

credits – xView
Electricity infrastructure crossings

Construction in the security corridor
Our Solution
Our AI assisted Critical Infrastructures monitoring solution is a global alerting and reporting identification system for interferences/threats in the pipeline safety corridor using satellite data. An Innovative service for Asset monitoring and Business intelligence.

Our Uniqueness

Solution ready to use and able to analyze virtually any place in the world. A global coverage with partnerships with the biggest Satellite data providers and high revisit time thanks to virtual Satellite multi-constellation.

Fully automated for environmental and workforce security.

State of the art Multiclass object detection AI Computer Vision, awarded by US Dep. of Defence & NATO. More than 300 categories identified + specific for ports, engineering, logistics & other domains.

High precision and accuracy that improves over time thanks to Machine learning.

Flexible, multi source ready (also for UAV images and security cameras), and fast to expand to new use cases and scenarios versatile algorithm.

Supporting client’s commitment in reducing emissions and SDG’s (ex. #9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure).
External agents and activites are the leading causes of Pipelines damages causing huge economical and environmental losses.

The current solution (aerial patrolling) entails low accuracy, limited coverage & high emission.

Effective monitoring and prediction of Oil and Gas pipelines/assets incidents is the solution to could avoid a potential cost of billions yearly and ecosystems to be restored.
External potential harmful activities ranges from:

Construction site work in progress

Elecricity infrastructures crossing

Construction in the security corridor
Our solution

Our AI assisted Critical Infrastructures monitoring solution is a global alerting and reporting identification system for interferences/threats in the pipeline safety corridor using satellite data. An Innovative service for Asset monitoring and Business intelligence.
Our uniqueness
- Solution ready to use and able to analyze virtually any place in the world. A global coverage with partnerships with the biggest Satellite data providers and high revisit time thanks to virtual Satellite multi-constellation;
- Fully automated for environmental and workforce security;
- State of the art Multiclass object detection AI Computer Vision, awarded by US Dep. of Defence & NATO. More than 300 categories identified + specific for ports, engineering, logistics & other domains;
- High precision and accuracy that improves over time thanks to Machine learning;
- Flexible, multi source ready (also for UAV images and security cameras), and fast to expand to new use cases and scenarios versatile algorithm;
- Supporting client’s commitment in reducing emissions and SDG’s (ex. #9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure)